About Arckaringa
Arckaringa Station is situated 150kms north of Coober Pedy. The total area covers 2,745 square kilometres and is rated by the South Australian Pastoral Board to run up to 2100 head of cattle. Most of the property is made up of Gibber Plains, flood out creek systems and breakaway country.
Arckaringa stock is watered by 17 bores and tank systems, 20 dams and banks and numerous waterholes.
The pastoral property relies on sufficient rainfall to generate the growth of various native plants and grasses on which our stock graze. The rain also fills dams, waterholes and creeks which provide fresh water for the stock and for domestic purposes. The Arckaringa Creek is an important feature of the property, with other creeks and channels feeding into it. After heavy rainfall it flows and distributes fresh, clean water to waterholes and stimulates the growth of much needed vegetation.
With good rains dams and banks fill and creeks flow and fill the waterholes. The fresh water also catches in crabholes (small mounds and depressions in the ground) which provide good surface water. With fresh water available the cattle are encouraged to move out further to graze.
Arckaringa History
The history of Arckaringa dates back to the early 1940’s when the McLeod family owned it. It was at this time Mrs Brown purchased Arckaringa. Mrs Brown sold Arckaringa to her grandson Bill Fleming and his wife Bonnie in 1960. Bill and Bonnie owned and lived at Arckaringa from 1960 until 1989. The Williams Family purchased Arckaringa in 1989 and still own it today.
Wild Life
There is an abundance of animals which inhabit the country on Arckaringa. Kangaroos are the most commonly seen.
Kangaroos – red and grey, Euros.
Fat-tailed and long-tailed dunnarts.
Reptiles – lizards including bearded dragons, goannas, geckoes and of course ssssnakes!
Dingoes, Wedge-tailed eagles, hakes, butcher birds, galahs, sulphur-crested cockatoos, ringneck parrots, budgerigars, wild turkeys (bustard) and finches are just some of the birds that fly our skies. There are also numerous ducks, emus and waterbirds.